Firstly, i watched the first minute and fourteen seconds of the video 4 or 5 times and made notes on the props, lighting, location etc. it gave me a good insight into what was needed in the remake. I then went onto make a storyboard, this would help me when it came to production. The storyboard included a drawn image and the lyrics which would help when lip syncing. Looking back at the storyboard i have notice already where i can improve that would help me even more, such as adding the time of the clip, how long the clip is on for, props etc. with more notes it would improve the depth of detail when it came to filming.
Lip Syncing
As a small group, Harley, Aiden, Adam and Myself, took a camera, found a empty ICT room within the college and filmed ourselves lip syncing to see how it looked and where improvements were needed if needed. We choose a ICT room because we knew each room has a computer with speakers, instead of playing the music from a iPod/Phone which isnt very loud.
At the end of the lip syncing practice, we all felt very positive about what we had produced and seen.
Risk Assessment
Before starting production we had to take into consideration of the risks whilst filming, whether it be traffic or as little as falling over a stone. Each risk was taken into consideration and discussed how we could prevent each one, for example; traffic could be prevented with people watching out for oncoming traffic, as for falling over a stone, wear correct footwear and watch out for unlevel surfaces.

Example of Risk Assessment
Activity | Hazards | Measures to control |
Dancing in Car park | Traffic
Falling over a stone | Have people watching out for traffic at the gates.
Wear suitable shoes. |
Jumping with guitars | Could hit surrounding people with the guitar, could possibly hurt yourself. | Practice, make sure you have enough space to jump. |
Pushing students | Students falling over objects or each other. | Practice and plan a cue to when to prepare to move. |
We as a class spent 4 lessons filming the 1 minute 14 seconds of footage. We had to re-film some scenes due to a member of busted having his hair cut which would affect the continuity and would look odd if in one scene he had hair and the other had none, this took 1 lesson.
As the class has around 25 students, their was a lot of opinions being thrown out their, i think we have all learnt that when it comes to our final piece, working in groups bigger than around four would be hassle, i know for me working in a two could even be hassle as people are not always reliable.
In production, i played as a member of busted (james) and i learnt that it was hard to lip sync, dance and pretend to play the guitar, so for future knowledge i dont think i will lip sync much in my final peice.
I noticed in production a lot of scenes shot could have been done better but half of the class just wanted to get the production done and out of the way, this has shown be that when it comes to the final piece to use time wisely and plan and shoot the scenes to that plan, every shot counts.
Post-production is still happening to the busted remake. So far the group and I have found it difficult to match up the lip syning scenes to the actual music, so a lot of cutting has had to happen, this has shown everyone how bad some of the shots were and that some should have been re-shot, which everyone would agree on.
So far only 2 lessons have been put into the post-prodution of the video, and with it beign a big group, everybody has their ideas. We are using Apple Mac's and they are not the best, they are very basic, which will affect the final peice, it has made me thought i may use 'Sony Vegas Pro 9' to edit my final piece when it comes to it.
Overall i have learnt that making a music video is extremly hard and its going to be tough, however i think it will be very fun and i will learn a lot more this year than last year. I look forward to making my final piece.
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